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Blue Night,适合黄昏听的歌.

发表于 2006-6-14 02:23:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


Lately you have been asking me
if all my words are true
Don´t you know I´ll do anything for you
Sometimes I haven´t been good to you
Sometimes I´ve made you cry
And I am sorry for everything
but I promise you girl
I promise you this
When the blue night is over my face
on the dark side of the world in space
When I´m all alone with the stars above
you are the one I love
So there´s no need to worry girl
My heart is sealed for you
And no one´s gonna take it away
cuz I promise you girl
I promise you this  
on the dark side of the world in space
When I´m all alone with the stars above
you are the one I love
Your voice is calling to me in my dreams
My love is stronger than it´s ever been

[ 本帖最后由 sherley 于 2006-6-14 08:24 编辑 ]
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